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Solar light pole

You might be walking or driving home at night and as you walk/drive the street lights up one by one. They are beautiful to look at. And if you leave your lights on all night, did you ever wonder how much energy that requires? It takes a lot of energy. However, you now get eco-friendly solar light poles which help in energy saving as well, also the Light pole's product such as light pole street. Read on for more details.

Keeping your streets illuminated with solar power

Light Pole company has designed some unique solar light poles that can lighten our streets by harnessing the power of sunlight, identical to led streetlights supplied by Light pole. The poles are crowned with solar-panel studded caps: A type of little window that collects sunlight by day. The sun works as a power source to the solar panels and stores that energy in batteries located at the bottom of the pole. At night it releases the stored energy to light up our streets, making them safe-havens for anyone who walks upon it.

Why choose light pole Solar light pole?

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