Why are light poles so important or how do they keep our streets, parks and any other public place lit up when it gets dark in the night? They help people, see where they are driving so everyone else is safe. It is important to choose the appropriate light pole as it will help In enhancing its performance and sustainability while also fulfilling safety requirements with suitable lighting. We share some of the key considerations that should go into your decision on what Light Pole to buy in the following buying guide.
Placement Of Light Poles — A Few Considerations
When choosing a light pole, one needs to take several aspects into account. These include what kind of light pole is (strength), the aesthetic appeal, and its function.
How Strong Should A Light Pole Be?
The light pole needs to be hardy enough for bad weather, accidents from passing cars and (sadly) even vandalism. Much of the strength of a pole comes from the material it is made out too. Steel, aluminum and concrete are the three most commonly used materials for light poles.
Lightweight aluminum poles; never rust. This is why they make an ideal choice for coastal locations where saltwater can ruin things.
You can also use steal poles which are incredibly strong and sturdy then this is going to be good it these will be placed in very bad climatic regions like when there storms or heavy winds.
Concrete poles are the most durable, but they also weigh a ton and moving them once in place is quite difficult. Because of this, they are best suited for permanent installations and not areas that may need some rearranging.
Another thing to consider is the design of your light pole. It needs to be perfect for the area where it is going and should look beautiful. With a nice light pole street, any public space can feel more welcoming and cheerful. The actual height of the light pole is very important too, because that also impacts how much and even where your floodlight / area-light gets spread around.
Longer poles will also be required for outdoor use in large spaces where more light is needed.
The 9 ft pole is exceptionally tall and would be best suited for larger open areas except by using shorter poles which are too small then they will work very well.
Next, you need to know for what purpose the light pole is used. The light on a pole is going to be determined by the type of fixture and how it throws its luminescence. There are different types of lights with varying strength and application.
LED lights are also a great option due to lower energy use and their ability up lasting nearly forever than other kinds of lighting. This is why they are such a convenient and energy-efficient lighting option.
Additionally, the color of light can affect ambiance. Warmer light generally adds a softer feeling to an atmosphere and cooler lights can give it a more modern look.
How To Pick The Best Light Pole?
Important considerations to have about a light pole, when making selections.
Determine the light pole application Is it for safety, to make the place secure or is just they want people not hanging around.
Then decide where the light pole will be placed. Is it highly traversed or isolated? This can assist you in determining what type of pole will work the best.
And make sure the material can stand up to whatever elements your climate throws in its direction. If, for instance, you are living in an area that receives heavy downpours or snows often there is need to choose a durable strong material.
Observe the Making of a pole light and its length to ensure that it equates with. You want the pole to fit in well with that area.
Then you can pick a lighting fixture that will provide the proper amount of light (and in right positions) for its surrounding space.
Selecting a Light Pole for YOUR Needs
To locate any light pole which gives an ultimate solution that will meet your need you can follow up to these steps:
The first step is to research on types of light poles and their uses. Step 2: This will let you know what all is available.
Consider how much you can spend, what the intended use of your light pole will be and where it is going to go. Ultimately, this allows you to further refine your options by strengthening your understanding of what fits in with the budget at hand.
You can also speak to a lighting expert about what might work the best for you. And that they could return of use suggestions and hints.
Ask to see samples or demonstrations on how the light pole works before making a purchase. This ensures that the product is according to what you imagine it to be.
Last but not the least, buy from a renowned and experienced manufacturer who has an impressive background of fabricating perfectly-functional light poles. Getting help of quality is also important as this will even make sure you get an excellent product.
Ways to Keep Your Light Pole Strong & Durable
Follow these guidelines to ensure that your light pole remains in tip-top shape and lasts a long, healthy life.
Choose a High-Quality, Durable Light Pole. If you spend a little more on your first pole then just like me, it should save you money in the long run.
Regular maintenance and inspection of the light pole so that it can be maintained in proper working condition. This may involve maintenance and repair.
If you see that some part is damaged or old, change it as soon as possible so nothing else will happen. Taking this proactive approach can help prolong the life of the pole.
Using energy-efficient LED lights helps save on the bill, and you use them less. Your wallet likes it and the environment too.
What to Consider When Selecting a Light Pole?
Some key features you should look at when it comes to choosing a light pole are as follows;
The material:The light pole should have a sturdy and strong enough material to bear wear/tear including numerous weather conditions and objects impacting the same.
Height: The light pole should be installed a proper height depending on the area it will deployed. For bigger areas, taller poles are best while shorter is suitable for smaller ones.
Appearance – As we said before, the appearance of this lamp post should occur in harmony with everything around it and provide a modern look.
Light Fixture; light fixture is the overall output, spread and distance of light needed in that area. This saves energy and lasts longer than almost any other type of light.
Cost: Light pole cost should be matched to strength, design and utility. The light pole must align with your budget, and it is crucial that the light offers a good value for money.
So, in the end selecting a light pole that will help to maintain public order and prunned is very important. It is important for people to be there and support each other as well. Make a decision based on how strong of a pole it is, the aesthetics and what you will use if for. With these guidelines to follow, you can pick a light pole that is best for your particular situation and have peace of mind knowing it should serve the test of time. Quality light poles will provide your property with lasting use, and they are a valuable part of the overall feel.